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>> 4x4Adventure
>> 03 - One Life Wales (July 2008)
01 - Paul the guide getting stuck to make me feel better
02 - Taking easy after previously getting stuck
03 - Plenty of rocks to make it a bumby ride
04 - Nice wide flowing river to tackle
05 - Not a bow wave but it still worked
06 - The Toyota Surf sinking rather surfing
07 - Middle of nowhere springs to mind
08 - A quick stop to chat about the water crossing
09 - A V dip to negotiate
10 - Tricked up Landy copes with ease
11 - Katie plowing through some muddy water
12 - Oh look, the guide got stuck again
13 - Feels worse on the inside
14 - Traversing always gets the heart going
15 - Interesting line but either way is down
16 - Winding down the hill
17 - Who says it rains in Wales
18 - Even made easy by the old trucks