Overland Communities |
Africa Overland Network |
A great site for travellers to share details of their web sites. Brilliant for getting inspired, along with easy access to finding hints and tips from people who have, are or will be doing overland trips. Just don't forget about us! |
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Overland Expedition Provider |
One Life Adventure |
Providing weekends in the UK and several various overland expeditions in Europe and Northern Africa. The weekends are well sized, planned and very friendly, highly recommend using for a shake down. |
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Fellow Overlanders |
Whe.Ah.We |
A couple of South Africans we met and grabbed some ideas from during one of our One Life Adventure weekends. Travelling the East coast after meandering through Europe on the way home. |
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LandyTracks |
First overlander we met, Lutz, and one that was full of fantastic enthusiasm and information. Unfortunately he was off East and not likely to bump into again. German site. |
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Roy en Sandy |
Website of course is in Dutch, but I am aware they have photos of us and similar tales since we have travelled with them a lot during the northern part of Africa so far. |
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Bob, Jackie and Sandy |
Another English couple travelling the similar route and also in a Land Rover that has been in for repairs. |
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Ueli and Esther |
Mainly photos of their adventure but some very good ones. Met in Turkey and seen on and off ever since. They are certainly the tidiest and most organised travellers we have met, maybe something to do with being Swiss! |
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Sam Williams |
Cyclist we met travelling from the UK to Kenya for Farm Africa. Can’t say it is a way we would do it as it is extremely difficult, especially Sudan and Ethiopia. We wish him all the best of luck. |
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Les 3 Baroudeurs |
Our French family, including our little sister who travel the world as a way of life. This time upgrading their Land Rover for a big, big truck. Warning it is in French! |
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Katie and Alex |
Never met them as they are ahead of us but followed their progress to give us information. |
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John and Marina Day |
Got intouch through website spotting and then they found us in Livingstone. Similar route but north bound. |
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Quinten and Julie |
Met in Ethiopia, they are going very slow in a Unimog with aditional cats. Returning home to SA from Monaco. |
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Heather and Richard Philips |
Travelled the troublesome North Kenya Highway with them and catching up again in Cape Town where they have returned home. |
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Dawn and Wolfgang |
Wonderful South Africans (though one German) who kept our spirits up in Nairobi. Traveled North with a trailor. |
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Eva and Martin |
Two German bikers heading south, having had a few issues but full of fun. |
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